
Why Not eBooks?

From being a diehard paperback fan I have switched sides and finally joined the eBook brigade. My husband bought me a Kindle when they first came out, and I resisted using it for two years—until one day, having run out of books and options, I grudgingly opened the device. It took me three clicks to download the book of my choice and I was on my way to my first digital reading experience; it blew me away.

The initial advantages were obvious. The eReader was light and easy to hold, it was well-lit, the words scrolled automatically, the pages didn’t have to be held open, and there was no danger of my losing my place.

But the revelation was the ease, convenience and accessibility of the ebook experience. Suddenly, I had access to a world of books not available at my local bookstore, could download books instantly rather than making the time to go to a bookstore to locate the book and could actually get a better price versus the paperback version. A whole new world of reading pleasure opened up.

I still enjoy going into a bookstore and browsing shelves full of books. But as a working mother, this is not something I can afford to do on a regular basis. In my limited time off, with minimal effort, I can dive straight into my reading pleasure—and I love that ebooks make this possible for me.

If you had a choice, which would you prefer?